Denmark Recalls South Korean Firm Samyang's Instant Noodles For Being Extremely Spicy

While Samyang Foods claims the recall is due to the products being too spicy rather than a quality issue, the DVFA insists on the health risks.

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Denmark has recalled several spicy ramen noodle products by South Korean company Samyang as they might cause "acute poisoning".

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA) issued the recall, citing the risk of acute poisoning due to high levels of capsaicin, the compound that makes chilli peppers hot, according to the official Danish food safety website.

Samyang's recalled products Buldak 3x Spicy & Hot Chicken, 2x Spicy & Hot Chicken and Hot Chicken Stew. These noodles are sold in supermarkets, specialty stores, and online stores throughout Denmark.

Reason For Recall

DVFA determined that the capsaicin levels in these products are dangerously high. Children and young people have been daring each other on social media platforms, such as TikTok and Instagram, to eat these extremely spicy noodles. This trend can lead to serious health issues, as seen in Germany, where several children were hospitalised after consuming spicy chili chips, a report in TIME said. The capsaicin levels in the recalled noodles are reportedly even higher than those in the chilli chips involved in the hospitalisations.

Health Risks

Eating these noodles can cause symptoms such as burning and discomfort, nausea, vomiting, and high blood pressure. While Samyang Foods claims the recall is due to the products being too spicy rather than a quality issue, the DVFA insists on the health risks.

What Should Consumers Do?

The DVFA has advised consumers to either return the noodles to the store where they were purchased from or discard them. If a child eats the noodles without symptoms, there is no need to worry. However, if symptoms appear immediately after eating, the DVFA has advised contacting the poison helpline.

Samyang Foods is a major South Korean food manufacturer, which created the country's first ramen in 1963. The company exports its products, including halal items, to nearly 80 countries. Despite the recall, Samyang's spicy noodles remain popular, with Buldak 3x Spicy & Hot Chicken ranked as one of the spiciest instant noodles globally.