Republic Day 2024: Here Are 5 Short Speeches For Students To Deliver On January 26

Schools and educational institutions celebrate Republic Day with fervour and enthusiasm and various activities are organised for children to showcase their talent.

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India celebrates its Republic Day on January 26 each year. It marks the implementation of the Constitution on this day in 1950. Republic Day is observed as a national holiday.

Schools and educational institutions celebrate Republic Day with fervour and enthusiasm and various activities are organised for children to showcase their talent.

It also provides an opportunity to learn about India's rich history, heritage, culture and other things. Below are five speeches that can come in handy for Republic Day functions:

Speech 1: Our Amazing India

Hello Friends,

Happy Republic Day! Today, we celebrate the incredible country we live in. Our India is not just a land; it's a place where dreams come true, where different cultures blend, and where the sun shines in a billion hearts.

Our country is like a magic box full of surprises. We have mountains that touch the sky, rivers that sing sweet songs, and forests where animals play hide and seek. India is a land of colours, from the bright orange of the sunsets to the green fields that sway in the wind.

But the most magical thing about India is its people. We are a big family, speaking in different languages, and following unique traditions. On this Republic Day, let's promise to love and respect each other, like brothers and sisters in a giant family.

Speech 2: Our Brave Heroes

Hello Everyone,

Happy Republic Day to all of you! Today is not just a day of celebration, it's also a day to remember our brave heroes. Heroes are not just the ones we see in movies, but we have real-life superheroes who protect our country.

Our soldiers, police officers, and firefighters work day and night to keep us safe. On this Republic Day, let's say a big thank you to our heroes. We might not see them every day, but they are always there, ready to help and protect us.

Remember, each one of us can be a hero too. By being kind, helping others, and standing up for what is right, we can make our country even more beautiful.

Speech 3: Our Promises to India
Hello Friends,

Happy 75th Republic Day! Today is not just a day to celebrate; it's a day to make promises. Just like we promise to finish our homework or be good to our friends, we can make promises to our country too.

Let's promise to keep our India clean and green. Let us be responsible while discarding wrappers and packets, pick up trash, plant trees, and take care of our surroundings. Our India is like a garden, and we are the little gardeners making sure it stays beautiful.

Let's promise to be kind to everyone. No matter where our friends come from, what language they speak, or what they look like, we can be friends. Our country is a rainbow of different people, and that's what makes it so special.

On this Republic Day, let's promise to learn and grow. Education is the key to a bright future. So, let's study hard, ask questions, and become the best versions of ourselves.

Speech 4: Our Future Leaders

Hello Everyone,

Happy Republic Day! Today, as we celebrate our 75th year of freedom, we also look towards the future. Do you know who will shape the future? It's you and me - the kids of today. We are the future leaders, thinkers, and creators of our country.

Just like a tiny seed grows into a big tree, we will grow into responsible and wise citizens. Our India needs young minds full of ideas, love, and passion. So, let's promise to be curious, ask questions, and learn new things every day.

We can be leaders by setting good examples. When we share, care, and work together, we show the world the power of unity. Our India is a puzzle, and each one of us is an important piece.

On this Republic Day, let's dream big dreams and work hard to make them come true. Our country's future is in our hands, and together, we can make it bright and beautiful.

Happy Republic Day, everyone! Jai Hind!

Speech 5: Celebrating Our 75th Republic Day

Good morning everyone,

I am so excited to stand here and talk to you about a very special day – our 75th Republic Day! Today is a day filled with joy, pride, and a lot of fun. So, let's dive into the celebration!

Do you know what Republic Day means? It's the day when we remember and honour the day when our country became a republic. That's a big word, but it simply means that the power to run our country belongs to us, the people!

Seventy-five years ago, our leaders worked hard to make sure we could decide how our country should be run. They wanted everyone to have a say in how things should be, just like a big family where everyone's opinion matters.

Now, why is the number 75 so special? Well, imagine it's like a big birthday for our country! For 75 years, we've been working together, growing, and making our nation stronger.

Today, we see our national flag waving high in the sky. The colors – saffron, white, and green – are not just colours, they represent the spirit of our country. The wheel in the middle is called the Ashoka Chakra, a symbol of law and dharma.

Let's also remember the heroes who fought for our freedom. They were brave people who wanted us to live in a free and happy country. So, on this Republic Day, let's celebrate our freedom and remember those who made it possible.

In our schools and communities, we come together to sing songs, perform dances, and have flag hoisting ceremonies. It's a day to feel proud of our country and to promise that we'll do our best to make it even better.

So, my friends, let's celebrate our 75th Republic Day with joy, respect, and a promise to make our country a wonderful place for everyone. Happy Republic Day!