International Moon Day 2024: Date, History And Significance

International Moon Day is observed worldwide on July 20 to celebrate the anniversary of the first human landing on the moon as a part of the Apollo 11 lunar mission.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Source: Unsplash</p></div>
Source: Unsplash

International Moon Day is celebrated on July 20 every year to mark the anniversary of the first human landing on the lunar surface. This day serves as a reminder of all the attempts made to explore the lunar surface.

International Moon Day is also celebrated to honour and appreciate the contribution of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, the first astronauts to set foot on the moon in 1969.

This day helps people realise how technology has evolved over the years and that there is more to explore in the future.

International Moon Day 2024: Date

International Moon Day is observed worldwide on July 20 to celebrate the anniversary of the first human landing on the moon as a part of the Apollo 11 lunar mission.

International Moon Day 2024: History

Humans had always contemplated different theories about the moon, which remained shrouded in mystery until the invention of the first telescope. The telescope gave a sneak peek of the lunar surface and opened up a new avenue in space exploration.

Several missions have been executed to understand this surface.

The UNGA (United Nations General Assembly) declared July 20 as International Moon Day to celebrate the first-ever human landing on the moon and to spread awareness about sustainable moon exploration and its utilisation.

International Moon Day 2024: Significance

The United Nations (UN) recognised that outer space added a new element to human lives. The organisation, therefore, aims to use these perks of outer space for the betterment of mankind.

United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) is the official body of the UN that encourages international cooperation in the peaceful use of outer space.

"UNOOSA is also responsible for implementing the secretary-general's responsibilities under international space law and maintaining the United Nations Register of objects launched into outer space," the UN said.