Salesforce Launches Suite Of Autonomous AI Agents To Augment Humans

These AI agents can analyse data, make decisions, and take action on tasks like answering customer service enquiries, qualifying sales leads, and optimising marketing campaigns

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Salesforce has launched&nbsp;Agentforce, a suite of autonomous AI agents that augment employees and handle tasks in service, sales, marketing and commerce. (Source:</p></div>
Salesforce has launched Agentforce, a suite of autonomous AI agents that augment employees and handle tasks in service, sales, marketing and commerce. (Source:

Customer relationship management company Salesforce Inc. has launched Agentforce, a suite of autonomous artificial intelligence agents that augment employees and handle tasks in service, sales, marketing, and commerce.

These AI agents can analyse data, make decisions, and take action on tasks like answering customer service enquiries, qualifying sales leads, and optimising marketing campaigns. According to Salesforce, Agentforce allows organisations to build, customise, and deploy their own agents for various use cases across industries.

These AI agents can operate autonomously, retrieve data on demand, build action plans for various tasks, and execute these plans without requiring human intervention, the company said.

Agentforce uses real-time data to adapt to changing conditions and operates independently within an organisation’s customised guardrails. When required, it can be handed off to human employees with a summary of the interaction, an overview of the customer’s details, and recommendations for what to do next.

“Agentforce represents the third wave of AI—advancing beyond copilots to a new era of highly accurate, low-hallucination intelligent agents that actively drive customer success. This means anticipating needs, strengthening relationships, driving growth, and taking proactive action at every touchpoint,” said Marc Benioff, chair and chief executive officer of Salesforce.

An estimated 41% of employee time is spent on repetitive, low-impact work, and 65% of desk workers believe generative AI will allow them to be more strategic, according to the Salesforce Trends in AI Report.

With companies having more jobs to be done than the resources available to do them, many jobs go unaddressed or uncompleted. Agentforce aims to provide relief to overstretched teams so employees can focus on higher-value tasks.