Leading Companies Leverage Generative AI, Cloud, SaaS For Enhancing Experiences: Report

Eight out of ten Experience Leaders leverage gen AI, cloud and SaaS technologies to gain real-time insights, personalise interactions and automate processes, creating a better experience.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>(Source: Freepik)</p></div>
(Source: Freepik)

HCL Technologies Ltd. has released a report—The Blueprint to Total Experience—which explores the growing importance of 'Total Experience', an approach that delivers improved and integrated experiences for customers, employees and users across multiple channels.

According to the report, which was based on a survey of over 600 senior business and technology leaders, 16% of companies categorised as Experience Leaders—those excelling at delivering integrated experiences—reported a higher return on investment compared to their less-focused counterparts.

Eight out of ten Experience Leaders leverage generative artificial intelligence, cloud and software-as-a-service technologies to gain real-time insights, personalise interactions and automate processes, creating a better experience. Additionally, a design-led culture, product-aligned operating model and access to the right technology resources are crucial for successful Total Experience initiatives, the report said.

“Achieving Total Experience is not just a goal but a pivotal strategy for thriving in the next era of business evolution. It enables organisations to transform their entire value chains by integrating technological advancements, fostering cultural transformation, organisational restructuring and operational efficiencies to meet evolving market needs and expectations,” said Pawan Vadapalli, corporate vice president and global head, digital business services, HCLTech.

“The companies that are excelling are those that are unlocking the potential of data with gen AI to create personalised and intuitive experiences,” he said.

The study revealed that 67% Experience Leaders deploy gen AI solutions to gain real-time insights from knowledge databases and 65% of Leaders use it to extract insights from unstructured data. Of these Leaders, 64% offer personalised assistance via chatbots and other tools and 61% leverage gen AI predictive capabilities to tailor content, services and products used by target audiences and employees.

Experience Leaders, who have made greater progress on different forms of experience, are better able to drive ROI. Leaders reported 64% ROI on customer experience and realised 57% ROI on their Total Experience investments. 

“Historically, companies have focused on the four components of experience—user experience (UX), customer experience (CX), multi-experience (MX) and employee experience (EX)—in silos,” said Jill Kouri, chief marketing officer, HCLTech. “The Total Experience philosophy brings these elements together under one umbrella, enabling complimentary outcomes including a more engaged and productive workforce and the attraction and retention of top talent.”

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