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The World's Cheapest Cities To Live In 2023

From Ahmedabad to Karachi, here are the top 10 cheapest cities in EIU’s latest Worldwide Cost of Living (WCOL) survey.

According to the annual Worldwide Cost of Living Index that’s published by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the world’s cheapest city is still Damascus (Syria). This year’s survey was conducted between August 14 and September 11, 2023.

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1. Damascus, Syria

Rank: 173

The EIU survey said that the cheapest city in its rankings is still Damascus, even though its WCOL price basket rose by 321% year on year in local-currency terms (amid lifting of government subsidies and devaluation of the currency, which increased import costs).

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2. Tehran, Iran

Rank: 172

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3. Tripoli, Libya

Rank: 171

All three cities (Damascus, Tehran and Tripoli) are particularly cheap for groceries, as well as for other household goods and personal care.

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4. Karachi, Pakistan

Rank: 170

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5. Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Rank: 169

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6. Tunis, Tunisia

Rank: 168

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7. Lukasa, Zambia

Rank: 167

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8. Ahmedabad, India

Rank: 166

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9. Lagos, Nigeria

Rank: 165

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10. Chennai, India And Buenos Aires, Argentina

Rank: 163

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