How Government Innovation is Creating New Jobs Across Chhattisgarh

Unemployment is a severe concern for any society. But in Chhattisgarh, there is additional pressure on the state government to generate new jobs for youth. Here it is essential for the eradication of chronic poverty and promotion of sustained development. Besides, the Left-Wing Extremism (LWE) is a cancer that is always looking to prey on unemployed and uneducated young minds. As a result, the Government has placed a strong emphasis on employment generation in the last 15 years. A host of innovative policies and schemes have been unveiled, with results that have succeeded in capturing the attention of not just the people of the state, but the entire nation and beyond.   

Ambikapur - Turning Waste into Wealth

Garbage disposal and sanitation pose considerable challenges to urban settlements all over India. The conventional approach is to deposit the waste municipal dump yards and landfills. This is far from ideal, as it causes further trouble down the line in the form of pollution, land reclamation, and potential health risks.

Ambikapur, a small city with a population of 1.45 lakhs, opted to try a more inclusive approach. Here, the waste management starts right at home and all stakeholders play a part. Every household sorts the waste into organic and inorganic materials.

This sorted waste is collected and further sorted by sanitation workers. Self-help groups provide training to women from low-income families to do this work.  They recycle the dry, inorganic waste, while the organic waste gets converted into compost or biogas.

The compost/biogas sales generate revenue for the city, resulting in a monthly turnover of ₹20-25 lakhs. The women sanitation workers get a share of the profits in the form of a stable income. Ambikapur has been declared a zero-dustbin and zero-landfill city. It is cleaner, healthier, and role model for the rest of the state and the nation as well. Accolades have also poured in at the national level. The Swachh Survekshan 2018 survey named Ambikapur as one of the Best in India for Innovation and Best Practices.

Dantewada - From Chicken to E-Rickshaws, Internet and BPOs, A Radical Transformation

Part of the Bastar region, the District of Dantewada was synonymous across the country with Left-Wing Extremism in the early 2000s. As one of the most affected areas of LWE infestation, the district suffered from decay, poverty, and continual violence. Fast forward a decade and the district has been revitalized, thanks to improved security and a slew of innovative development programs.


Kadaknath - Golden goose in the guise of a black chicken

Kadaknath or Kali Masi is a local Indian breed of chicken found in Central India. The bird has full black plumage and even the meat is black in colour. With high protein and low cholesterol, the Kadaknath meat is much healthier than regular chicken. It is also three times more expensive than broiler chicken.

The government recognized the commercial potential of this breed and decided to actively promote it in Dantewada. Special emphasis has been laid on actively involving the women of the Tribal district in this endeavour, largely through Self Help Groups.

The local Krishi Vigyan Kendra in Dantewada provides the requisite skill training. Kadaknath chicks are being provided to SHGs and farms at highly subsidized rates. The state’s District Mineral Foundation (DMF) funds are being utilized in a big way for this initiative.


Organic Farming – Creating a Greener Future

Organic farming is being actively promoted among farmers around the state. To achieve this, the state government is offering 90% subsidies to assist the local farms and SHGs in organic farming initiatives. The idea is to weave in modern organic farming practices within the current local farming eco-system. This would result in improved farm productivity, better quality produce, and also an extra boost to the income of farmers.

Danteshwari - E-Rickshaws Empowering The Women of Dantewada

Transportation and logistics pose a significant hurdle in the growth of the Kadaknath industry. Existing infrastructure is not enough to get the chicken efficiently to local markets. The government has taken a very progressive step to address this issue. Local tribal women are being given training in driving auto rickshaws.  

Women SHGs in the district play an active role in this scheme.  And only women are allowed to operate the vehicles. The Government provides electric auto-rickshaws at a heavily subsidized (80%) price. The service has helped improve connectivity in the district and surrounding villages. The project is financed by the District Mineral Fund.

For enhanced safety, the drivers are provided with GPS enabled phones. Charging points have been installed at various locations in the district for these vehicles. In the event of medical emergencies like pregnancies, these women can earn extra benefits by providing ambulance service as part of the 102 Mahtari scheme.  


Palnar - Going Cashless with Free Wi-Fi Zone

When the Demonetization plan was unveiled by the Hon’ble Prime Minister in 2017, the remote village of Palnar was also affected. Far away from local banks, and without mobile connectivity, this village struggled a lot in the early days of the note ban.

But thanks to the efforts of a proactive District Administration, the village has successfully converted to a cashless economy.  A free Wi-Fi zone was installed by the Essar Steel CSR program. The 14 shops in the village now accept digital payments using this Wi-Fi zone.

Thanks to these efforts, Palnar received the distinction of becoming the first cashless village in India. The Dantewada District administration was awarded the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Innovation for its efforts.


Yuva BPO - A Beacon of Hope For Youth Affected By Naxal Violence

The LWE infestation had blighted the potential of an entire generation of youth in the region. It has robbed them of family members, homes, and schools. Finding these local youth gainful employment is a huge priority. The Naxals are always eager to fill their ranks with unemployed youth, so the onus was on the government to find creative solutions.

The opening of Chhattisgarh’s first rural-BPO in Dantewada is a massive victory for the government. Aptly named Yuva, this modern centre provides employment for 500 local youth. They are given all the requisite language and skill training in the centre itself. From their office in Dantewada, these bright young men and women serve reputed clients like Bank of America, IndusInd Bank, and of course, the Government of India.  


CSSDM - Guaranteeing Skill Development as A Right

Chhattisgarh is the first state in India to guarantee Skill Development as a legal right of its citizens. The state government has been very active in converting the letter of the law into real-world practice. The Chhattisgarh State Skill Development Scheme (CSSDM) is the vehicle for change in this regard.


CSSDM is the state government version of the Skill Development Initiative launched by the Government of India. Through this initiative, the government provides training to school and college-level youth in various vocational and technical skills. Polytechnic colleges and other registered institutions are used to train the youth.


The scheme has so far been an unqualified success. Nearly 3 lakhs have been given training as part of CSSDM. It has succeeded in helping more than 1 lakh youth to get new jobs. Emboldened by this experience, the state government is expanding its capabilities in technical training. New ITIs and polytechnics are being opened all over the state. The youth of Chhattisgarh are sure to benefit from this in the long run.