These Government Initiatives are Taking Chhattisgarh to the Top

Chhattisgarh is one of the few states in the country where anti-incumbency has not been a major worry for the state government in recent history. Under the visionary leadership of Chief Minister Dr. Raman Singh, the ruling BJP government has been in power for three consecutive terms since 2003. This level of stability and popularity can be attributed largely to the people- centric policies and responsive governance the state has witnessed in the last 15 years.

As state gears up for a fresh mandate from the people of Chhattisgarh in 2018, the government has stepped up its efforts to improve the lives of the citizens and continue the ongoing development of the infrastructure and economy. Here are some of the most notable government initiatives that have taken Chhattisgarh to the higher echelons of developed states in India.

Lok Suraj Abhiyaan - Engaging Directly with the Citizens

Good governance cannot happen in a vacuum separated from the common people. It is theimperative of the state to listen to the needs of the people and take these inputs into the policy-making process. This is the rationale behind the Chhattisgarh state policy called Lok Suraj Abhiyaan, first started in the year 2005.

Under this initiative, administrators at all levels, the Chief Minister, government officials, and panchayat officials down to the sarpanch are required to interact with the common public. The Abhiyan has become an annual fixture on the Chhattisgarh calendar. And it is quite a huge affair, carried out in multiple phases over several months in summer.

Summer was chosen as this is the time when maximum interaction with people is possible, especially in rural agricultural communities. The government uses this opportunity to gauge the success of their schemes and ask the people for feedback, complaints, and suggestions for improvements.

The social audits conducted as part of the Abhiyan allows the state government to fine-tune its existing schemes and come up with novel projects to improve the lives of the people. The role played by the CM in this exercise cannot be overstated. Along with his cabinet and MLAs, the CM travels all over the state to oversee the process and interact directly with the public. And the officials are kept on their toes by the surprise inspections carried out by the Chief Minister.

Sanchar Kranti Yojana (SKY) - Connecting Chhattisgarh to the World

Fast and efficient communication networks are an essential requirement for development. Geographical challenges and lack of infrastructure has held back Chhattisgarh in the past. But thanks to increased investment in communications infrastructure and projects like SKY, the situation has improved drastically. SKY is a revolutionary scheme that aims to bring mobile connectivity to the masses.

At its core, SKY is the nation’s biggest mobile distribution scheme. Under this ambitious plan, the Chhattisgarh government will distribute 50 lakh smartphones free of cost to the women and youth in the state. Once implemented, this initiative will bring internet connectivity to 90% of households and 70% of villages in Chhattisgarh.

And the project is not just about distributing freebies to the public. The government is also focused on improving 4G networks in the state, so those 50 lakh phones can actually connect to the internet and avail benefits and services. To this end, 1600 mobile towers will be installed all across the state to boost network coverage.

Sanchar Kranti Yojana is expected to revolutionize the way citizens interact with the government in the state. E-governance will get a significant boost, and the people will have quick access to government services and benefits online. It is expected to help all sections of society, like women, youth, and farmers.

Even the security forces will get a much-needed boost in communications, which will help them in their vital fight against the left-wing extremist (LWE) infestation. The government is very committed to this project and has earmarked ₹1400 crores for its implementation in 2018.

36inc - Nurturing The Spirit of Entrepreneurship

Long lasting economic development is not just about welcoming big businesses to the state, it is also about nurturing the local entrepreneurial spirit and creating future brands and businesses. In this era of digital start-ups, massive global brands can be created in a matter of years. The Chhattisgarh government is keenly aware of this reality.

This is why the government launched the Start-up Chhattisgarh initiative in 2016 to encourage homegrown entrepreneurs to bring their digital ideas to the market. Camps were set up all across the state in 2017, and innovators were encouraged to submit their ideas for sectors like healthcare, animal husbandry etc.

Over 3000 participants at these camps were evaluated, and the best 36 ideas were selected. A start-up incubator called 36inc has been set up at Raipur with all advanced facilities and office space for these 36 ideas. The start-ups at the incubator will be mentored by experts in all aspects of growing a new business.

The state government has been studying start-up success stories like Silicon Valley and Singapore to emulate the same in Chhattisgarh. Investors from across the globe are being invited to become a part of this initiative. Plans are also in the pipeline to establish advanced research facilities at all higher education centres in the state. School students will also be encouraged to innovate through the ‘Atal Innovate Mission.’

Chhattisgarh – A Model For The Rest of the Country

Despite being such a young state, Chhattisgarh has captured the attention of the rest of India with its innovation at the policy level. Several policies pioneered by Chhattisgarh have been adopted by the Centre and other state governments. Here is a brief look at how the Chhattisgarh government has impacted the entire nation:

Mukhyamantri Khadyan Sahayata Yojana

This is a novel food security program initiated by the Chief Minister in Chhattisgarh. Thanks to this model initiative, over 90% of households in the state have achieved food and nutritional security. The Chhattisgarh model has been acknowledged as the best in the country. It has been adopted by 18 other states.

Chhattisgarh State Skill Development Mission (CSSDM)

Chhattisgarh holds the unique distinction of being the first state in India, and only the second in the world to adopt Skill development as a right of the people. The government passed the Skill Development for Youths of Chhattisgarh Act in 2013 to give this initiative legal structure. The CSSDM focuses on imparting livelihood skills to lakhs of youth in the state through ITIs and polytechnics.

District Mineral Fund (DMF)

The state is also the first to establish development funds in resource-rich areas through the DMF. These funds are used at district levels for identification of mineral resources as well as the creation of infrastructures like roads, rails, and runways.